I dont assume. I work on facts...This is the reply i have got from a colleague of mine (R) from P. He felt insulted by an email that I have sent to him. This is how the story begins...
Early in the morning, I received an email from a colleague (A) saying there is some problem with a membership numbering and the member has difficulty registering into our website. After checking the database and discussing the issue, I sent an email to (A) and (R). In my email, i informed (A) of the correct number and asked (R) to have the card replaced with the correct number for that particular member. At the same time, I also informed (R) if he is not sure about the membership number, please check from the system instead of simply assuming the number.
In return, he sent a bunch of emails to me and those big guys in the company. In the emails, he wrote a lot and the only sentence that I can still remember vividly is the one he asked me to be a bit more tactful in saying things as my previous email is insulting......
I might not realise how harsh the words 'simply assuming' can be before this...But after this incident, I will definitely be more careful in saying things. Lastly, I would like to convey my sincere apologies to (R) for insulting his feelings.....