Tuesday, June 19, 2007


An intelligence quotient or IQ is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests attempting to measure intelligence.

I came across a few so called "IQ questions", which made me laugh like a drain and I ended up puking blood...... =)

  • Q: 如果一个肥婆从 25 层楼 跳下, 她会便成什么呢?
  • A: 死肥婆

  • Q: 什么海鲜是残废的呢?
  • A: 龙虾, 应为它是"聋"的
  • Q: 肥仔多數姓什麼?
  • A: 「死」,因為通街都有人叫「死肥仔」
  • Q:白色嘅馬叫做白馬,黑色嘅馬叫做黑馬,白色+黑色嘅馬叫做斑馬,咁白色+黑色+紅色嘅馬叫咩馬呢?
  • A: 怕醜嘅斑馬
  • Q: 有一日, 小牛,小馬,小豬同小羊4個因為貪玩走去(7-11)偷野 ...點知俾看店舖的小虎捉住左...小虎好暴力咁打左小牛.小馬.小豬一身...但係冇打小羊?
  • A: 因為7-11從不打烊 (羊)
  • Q: 為甚麼黑人愛吃白巧克力?
  • A: 怕咬手指
  • Q: 印度人最憎用咩機器?
  • A: 打印機
  • Q: 黑社會最中意咩動物?
  • A: 斑馬


Anonymous said...

care to translate it to english? =)

~The Mighty Blogger~ said...

Errr...Translation to English will loss its original meaning ;)


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